ETA’s comprehensive Method 9 classroom lecture is now available in a professional online setting and taught by one of our highly qualified instructors live. Attendees will be able to log in to the web-based training using the link in their confirmation email and participate in the session from the convenience of their office or home. The ETA instructor will be able to interact with attendees and answer questions throughout the technical presentation via live chat or teleconference.

Live Method 9 lecture webinars will be held every week on Mondays at 9:00 am EST/ 8:00 am CT/ 7:00 am MT/ 6:00 am PT during our regular season with the exception of our webinars on January 21st and January 27th. The January 21st webinar is held on Tuesday due to MLK Holiday on Monday. The January 27th webinar will begin at 1:00pm EST/ 12:00pm CT/ 11:00 am MT/ 10:00 am PST/ 8:00 am HST for our customers in Hawaii Standard Time zone. The lecture lasts approximately 4-5 hours.


• The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has approved this online training course for first time observers as well as a refresher.


Method 9 Live Lecture Webinar – $175

ETA will charge an administrative fee of $50.00 per person for cancellations and a $25.00 per person transfer fee for transfers made after the registration deadline (midnight the day prior to the webinar). Cancellations and Transfers made before the registration deadline will not be charged this fee.

Payment is due at the time of registration and no later than the Friday prior to the program. Payments not made within two weeks of attendance will incur an additional $25 per person late fee.


The lecture will be a separate registration from the field. To register for lecture, please choose a date below that precedes the date of the field program you will be attending. If you are a first time attendee with us and have already registered for the the field, please contact us to get your Student ID number so that you can register for the lecture as an existing customer. To register for the field certification or to view our field programs and dates, please visit our schedule page.

March 31

April 7

April 14

April 21

April 28

May 5

May 12

July 7

July 14

July 21

July 28 *Begins at 1pm est

August 4

August 11

August 18

August 25

September 2 *Held on Tues due to Labor Day Holiday on Mon

September 8

September 15

September 22

September 29

October 6

October 13

October 20

October 27

November 3

November 10

Webinar Instructions

  • Once you are registered, a confirmation email is automatically sent. This email contains the link to log-in to the webinar and 3 pdf links to download our Manual, Quiz, and VEO Form. You must both watch and listen to the presentation in order to receive credit. The webinar lasts approximately 4-5 hours.

  • You will need to download (and print if desired) the 3 linked documents (Manual, Quiz and the VEO Form). You will be filling out both the Quiz & VEO Form with the instructor during the webinar. You should save these completed documents to your files. You are NOT required to send copies to ETA. The manual is 62 pages. You may want to save that to your computer and reference during the webinar rather than printing. We will have hard copies available at all of our field certification programs. You can ask one of the instructors for a copy at the registration table. Our Manual can also be accessed at any time by using the link on the resources tab of our website.

  • When logging in to Go To Meeting, please sign in with your first and last name. If you are attending in a group, please email Debbie a full list of all attendees in your group. We must be able to verify your full attendance in order for you to receive credit.


If you have additional questions, please email or call Debbie 919-261-3911