ETA’s mission is to support the certification, observation, documentation, data reduction, and reporting in accordance with the principles of Method 9 or other visible emissions measurement methods.
We can provide assistance in the determination of regulatory agency or industrial compliance with the visible emissions measurement method used.
ETA’s litigation support services include:
Evaluation of Notice of Violation (NOV) to determine procedural compliance.
Evaluation of certification records, procedures, and equipment.
Preparation of questions for deposition of witnesses.
Evaluation of evidence.
Special studies and collection of evidence.
Negotiation assistance.
Preparation of affidavits.
Preparation of displays, slides, video, and demonstrations.
Expert testimony regarding methods for visible emissions determination, application of the methods, and compliance of observers making observations.
Contact Us for Method 9 Compliance Support
If you feel you have a case related to Method 9 or visible emissions, we can help! Contact our team at 919-878-3188